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Groceries/Healthy-foods_Danya(Vinegar, Paste)

 1. Danya Vinegar

Natural fermented vinegar
It contains raw materials grown naturally in the clean area of the Jinan Plateau in korea.
Raw material without any artificial additives such as yeast, alcohol, plant, seed bacteria, EM, etc
The combined fermentation technology that combines the fermentation microorganism of the ingredients and the power of Onggi
with naturally fermented vinegar made through
You can enjoy heavenly scents, colors, and flavors.

the efficacy of naturally fermented vinegar

relieving fatigue
Acetic acid, including vitamin B1 in vinegar, inhibits the secretion of lactic acid, a substance that causes fatigue, and quickly breaks down the lactic acid that has already been secreted and discharges it out of the body. This prevents fatigue from accumulating in the body and helps relieve fatigue.

waste discharge
Vinegar's rich potassium content facilitates the release of sodium and waste accumulated in the body. Organic acids are also the decomposition product of sour probiotics produced during natural fermentation, which help prevent constipation and clean the intestines.

Diet effect
The organic acid components in natural fermented natural vinegar can effectively suppress enzymes that occur during the digestion of carbohydrates in our body. For this reason, if you eat organic acid vinegar before a meal, it can prevent carbohydrates from being absorbed into your body, and it can be effective in losing weight by directly attacking harmful bacteria such as obese bacteria.

anti-inflammatory action
A Korean university conducted an anti-inflammatory experiment of naturally fermented apple vinegar, and the result was that the group that consumed naturally fermented vinegar significantly reduced the inflammatory index compared to the group that did not. 1
In addition, it has the effect of sterilization, prevention of adult diseases, and promotion of digestion. However, it is important to eat an appropriate amount because excessive intake can cause gastrointestinal disorders.

2. Danya Paste

Traditional Onggi Fermented Food: Jangryu

Safe and nutritious using 100% domestic beans grown by natural farming methods
It is a healthy transfer bankbook made through rich fermentation technology.

Fermented ingredients such as barley, sticky rice cake, and fermented soybean powder used in gochujang
It is rich in taste and aroma.

Cheonggukjang increases the content of polygamma glutamic acid, increasing the savory taste and aroma
the sauce I ordered


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